Interview mit Crionics (28.09.2007)

Waran from Crionics thanks me for my interesting questions. Well, I pass the ball on to him for his thorough answers. Apart from that: Polish death/black metal, fast, furious, hardly melodic, hardly timeless, but also executed well, not trendy, nastily cold yet without cheese in the fridge. Go for their new album if you cannot get enough from that former Eastern Bloc Blast, it´s at least as interesting as the latest noise from Vader and Behemoth.
What is all that stress on hate about (e.g. your “official hatesite”)? What makes you guys so furious, or is it a cliché to match the intensity of the music? Can a band actually appear as nice guys when it plays extreme heavy metal.
We called it “hatesite” somewhere at “Armageddon´s Evolution” times. This feeling was really often driving me when composing this album, so it was natural to relate it to our website. We live in a strange country, every day there happens a lot of shit considering our law, government and first of all, religion, so it´s not so hard to be furious, ha, ha. I think naming it so was okay, as everything connected to the album was suitable to this conception – furious music and direct message. For sure, you can´t be a dude when you play extreme music, otherwise you´re not honest with yourself. On the other hand, if you´re not naturally and a nice guy in your private life, in contact with other bands and friends, you´re just an asshole in this rock´n´rollish team.
Why did you gradually switch from black metal to more death metal influenced music? Do you see this as a general trend, given that bands such as Behemoth or Emperor (with IX Equllibrium) developed in a similar way?
You can´t say that. Notice that our first album was death/black metal, while on the second, Armageddon´s Evolutions we played more blackened metal, so it´s not the rule that we come out more influenced by death metal from one album to another. This time we also can´t call it just death metal. I think, yes, there´s such a trend as you suggested, but on the other hand it also can be natural progression, development of the musicians´ abilities, so you cannot state it unequivocally. The other thing is, I used to play in a death metal band before Crionics, so in my case it´s not predictable what our next album will be. Seriously, I think we´re somewhere between both of these styles, and as we´re quite moody guys, on our different albums we just play what we want at a time, deriving more from black metal atmosphere and simplicity one time, and from death metal skills the other.
You have a specific dress on your promotional pictures: is there a deeper meaning behind this?
Not a deeper meaning, but consequence on the one hand and a caprice to have such an image. So, first of all, Neuthrone is a concept where all elements must suit others. Secondly, we always set much store by having a distinctive image. I think when considering extreme music as an art., you can put some “theatrical” elements into it; with all respect to the bands that don´t use it, I think there are some kinds of music – for example metal - where you should pay attention to your band´s visual presentation.
What are your lyrics about? – It seems you are indulging in philosophical concepts part from all that anger.
As I said before, each of our album is quite different. So, anger, hate, negative and, let´s say, just “dark” feelings were leading on our previous CD. I always wanted to have deeper lyrics, a little philosophical, a little personal at the same time. Now I felt I wanted to do something new and was quite calm when working on Neuthrone, so I just tried to write lyrics like a beholder, but enclosing some thoughts similar to the ones from our previous albums. The album´s subtitle is “Short Story About the Last Era of the Earth - NeuThronAeon” – it´s just a science-fiction story where I represented some of my considerations on religion in general and some social matters.
How did you develop the rather unique use of synthesized sounds? They appear as disturbing noises rather than additional instruments in the sense of an orchestra, for example.
We presumed that the keyboard sound must be suitable to the conception of the new album, so we just bought proper instruments and told our keyboard player how he should compose his parts. We almost quit from the melodic synthesiser parts to the advantage of a sci-fi or horror way of using it.
I do not see any connection between extreme heavy metal and keyboards that resemble techno or ebm sounds, as you use them in some tracks. Explain!
You´ve got a right to that. Conceptually, the album is futuristic, so we stated that some “techno” synthetic parts will be suitable. Would anyone 20 years ago have thought that metal bands will be using keyboards, violins or other not-metal instruments? I think the quintessence of this music is intensity, message, image and the way of using your instruments in an untypical manner. The same way as we can call, for example,. Apocalyptica a metal band, we can´t put limits to this alternative music; the same way metal evolves, there are still some things you can do being true and still an extreme band.
How is the climate within the Polish metal scene with respect to nazi tendencies? Do you accept these, or would you actively speak against them, even act seriously to cleanse metal from this stain?
I´m not sure how it looks like these times, I know there where some nazi tendencies in especially the black metal bands, but as I haven´t been too much into the underground recently, I hope it´s not so common now. On the other hand, everyone has his right to speak about what he wants, even if it´s sensitive or stupid.
Why are there no guitar solos on the album? – Incompetence?
No, I think solos on Neuthrone would be just unnecessary, even gauche. As I mentioned, this project is a deliberate conception, so all elements of it have conscious grounds.
Andreas Schiffmann