THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA, deren laufende „Aeromantic Experience Tour“ aufgrund der aktuellen COVID-19 Pandemie nach wenigen Gigs (Link zum Konzertbericht in der Matrix Bochum, 07.03.2020) abgebrochen werden musste, streamen am kommenden Samstag eine komplette Show aus dem legendären Rock-Club „The Tivoli“ in Helsingborg.
Die Location, die für die Combo um Björn Strid und Sharlee D'Angelo besondere Bedeutung hat, wird am Samstag, 18. April ab 20:00 Uhr Schauplatz eines kompletten Gigs der Band sein.
Die Show wird kostenlos über die Social-Media-Kanäle der Band und über die Facebook-Seite des Rock-Clubs gestreamt, Spenden sind aber jederzeit möglich und willkommen.
Das komplette Statement:
„We are very proud to announce that we will be playing a live streamed show at the classic venue The Tivoli, in Helsingborg, Sweden on Saturday the 18th of April. For some of us that place is somewhat of a stomping ground and today one of the few real rock clubs that are still around in Sweden. That is something we want to support. Make sure you tune in on Saturday the 18th, it’s gonna be a night to remember. The Aeromantic Experience is alive and well.
So let s get together and hang out, as live as we can be these days! We hope to see all our passengers on this flight, no quarantine can stop this?
The stream will go live at 20:00 CET on Saturday, April 18th, via The Night Flight Orchestra and The Tivoli’s social media pages:
Everyone is welcome. Entrance is free but donations encouraged and appreciated. Please click "going" or "interested" so that you are notified when we go live, and share the event and the livestream with your friends and family.
You can donate any amount via Swish (Sweden), PayPal (Worldwide) or purchase a Support Ticket.
Swish: 123 099 07 47 (SWEDEN ONLY)
Support Ticket:
The livestream is a collaboration between The Night Flight Orchestra, The Tivoli, Creative Technology Northern Europe and
Thank you and see you all on saturday for some virtual aeromantic live experience!“
(Stefan Haarmann - Stellv. Chefredakteur)