RONNIE ATKINS: PRETTY MAIDS Frontmann an Lungenkrebs erkrankt
Wie Ronnie Atkins gestern über seine offizielle Facebook-Page bekannt gegeben hat, wurde bei ihm im Rahmen eines Routine-Checks Lungenkrebs diagnostiziert. Der PRETTY MAIDS – Frontmann, der zuletzt noch mit AVANTASIA auf Welttournee gewesen ist, unterzog sich bereits vor zwei Wochen einer Operation. Seine Heilungschancen bezeichnen die behandelden Ärzte als gut. Das Team von wünscht ihm an dieser Stelle schnelle Genesung und alles Gute.
Hier das offizielle Statement:
It’s scary how your world can be turned upside down in a couple of weeks.
I went to my doctor for a routine check complaining about some back pains in mid-August.
I then went through numerous scans, bronchoscopy, biopsies etc. and spent a lot of time waiting for answers in uncertainty.
And so finally three weeks ago I found myself diagnosed with lung cancer.
Now this has by all means been a shock to me, my family and those close to me since it came totally unexpected without any typical symptoms and everything just happened and developed so fast lately.
I’m allready in treatment and underwent surgery two weeks ago, then spend some 10 days in hospital with pneumonia as a consequence apparently linked to the surgery.
According to the medical staff my prospects are good concidering it’s lung cancer. However, I will have to undertake further treatment the next couple of months to be on the safe side.
This means that I unfortunately will have to step back from most musical activities concerts etc. for an indefinite period of time.
I’m going into this with a positive mindset and with the continuing love and support from my family and friends I’m determined to battle this disease the best I can -God willing!
Ronnie Atkins
Ronnie Atkins auf Facebook
(Stefan Haarmann - Stellv. Chefredakteur)